All right, maybe this title isn't fully the truth for me at least! When I last logged in about the happenings with me was that the ER docs said that I had a UTI. Well . . . that wasn't true. I had a hematoma over my right ovary. Needless to say I was in excruciating pain for pretty much the first two weeks of Anthon's life. I finally have been getting over that when BOOM I get hit with another medical whammy; Mastitis. So Anthon isn't even three weeks old and I have encountered more pain after his birth than during. I would say I have had ALLOT of something. I am doing better now that I again have medication. I had to just share some cute things with the girls and Anthon. The girls have been playing like crazy with each other. I am very glad for this. They love playing babies, taking baths, doing hair, and making orange juliuses. (You can see some of this with the above pictures.) It has been fun watching them entertain each other, but man do they fight too. Brutus Brookie will hold her own and often gets the better of Xandry or Dalton. It must be the third child thing. (What do you think Auntie Meggie?)
The big sissies are also way too cute with Anthon. They are to the point where they will fight over who gets to hold him pretty much every hour of the day. Brook won this fight and then immediately fell asleep with him on the couch. Again, too cute!!
Anthon looks more and more like his daddy each day. Drew will have to stop telling everyone now that his kids belong to the Shwans man. Mean man he is!! :) I just tell him that you don't ever mess with a "Portigue." We are feisty and will always dominate :)
Remember to pause the music on "Our Play List" so you can hear what Brook is saying.
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