Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oh my! What a Surprise!

Drew and I were a bit shocked last month when we found out we were going to become parents again around March 29th of next year. Now there may be some of you that say, "Well you wanted another one and weren't trying to 'not' have one." Not true I say! We were in discussion about a 4th. We did have a scare back in May, but when the tests came out negative and things happened in there ol' natural way we were relieved.

However, this time was a bit different. Yes, I was not on birth control, but I haven't been since January. This was due to weight issues and me trying some diet things. We have been good about "other" things, except once. Let it be a lesson to all you young things out there. It only takes once!

Now imagine if you will, me waking up early one morning to take a prego test because I was late. I sat and watched the line for a couple of minutes and nothing happened. I left it there and went back to bed thinking it was another scare. An hour later I wake again to go and throw everything away. As my right hand crossed over my body to pick up the test and throw it away to the other side, my eyes and my mouth dropped as I saw a double line on the test. Just as this happened Drew walked in. My hand immediately swung back around to show him. His face lit up and smiled as he said, "Yep, you're pregnant!" 4 tests and one ultrasound later, I have finally come to believe it.

My mind is still in shock that I will be a mother of 4. My body on the other hand, looks like it is already in its 6th month. No joking! My tummy has pooched out like no other. I have been very sick. Every night around 4:00 PM I am sicker than a dog and crashed onto the couch.
We told the families in different ways. Drew's family we either called or told in person. We waited a week later to tell them then my family because they both had some personal things going on and we didn't want to overwhelm them even more. My family, besides Megan,who knew right from the start, found out by an ice cream cake.

The kids we told a bit later too. Xandry's response, "Why do you want another one?! Now you will have 4!" Brook and Dalton are going around, "I wanna baby brother."

I am excited for this little one now and often catch myself just dreaming about him. I truly feel that it is a boy because of an incident that Drew and I both had right after Brook was born. I believe Anthon is coming!


Stacy said...

Yippe! I am so excited for you! You crack me up - about the just once is all it takes. You will do great with 4. Good luck. I'm just getting over the yuckies at 14 weeks. Mine was always at night too. It stinks but it will pass! Love ya!

Mommy (a.k.a Melissa) said...

I am so happy for you. How exciting. I hope you start feeling better!

Amy said...


Dixie said...

Hurry it up Anthon! We can't wait to meet you! And give your mom a break on the morning/evening sickness. Right before dinner. Awesome. Congrats Raylynn.

Mommy (a.k.a Melissa) said...

ONe more thing, I've had like 3 nightmares since I read this post . . .I don't appreciate it (ha,ha,ha)!