Monday, August 17, 2009

Chuckee Cheese or Lagoon? Hmm . . .

It was a toss up to what was the better adventure spot for our family vacation between Chuckee Cheese and Lagoon. Both were promised this summer. I have to admit, I think Chuckee's won on the fun department for the kiddos. Go figure. Next year I will chuck Lagoon's prices and just keep it simple with a little pizza and games.

No, the kids did enjoy Lagoon as well. More the fact that Uncle Dennis and Aunt Vera were able to come. Xandry was a protege' of Vera's wanting to do everything Vera did and would not leave her side. The bummer part, Xandry was just too small for most of the rides. She tried tricking the guy by standing on her toes, but he caught her. Her exact words, "It sucks being 6." I told her it wasn't being 6 that stunk. It was being small. Her response, "Well, it sucks being small too." (I wasn't too thrilled with the word choice of "sucks" mind you, but it was cute.) Dalton seemed to have chickened out after the old, white, wood roller coaster. At Disneyland he went on all the scary rides, this time he just went on that one and wanted to take it easy on some of the smaller rides. Brook's favorite ride was . . . her stroller! I am serious, I could have saved allot of money by ordering pizza and zipping them around in a stroller. MAN!!

Since they didn't seem to enjoy the rides so much we went to the water park. It was packed! In fact, we parked down illegally on the grass patch because there was just no where to lay out our stuff. Xandry again was bummed because she was too little to go down the slides, so it was the lazy river and the little kiddy area. Brook was happy with both. Dalton took off and was no where to be seen for a bit. Yes, he did get a what for when we found him. Me, my feet about died on the rough surface of the water park. water shoes where were you?!

All in all though it was a fun vacation where we got to be with dad, sleep in the pop-up trailer, and just be together. Nothing could ever beat that!


Fantastic Five said...

Oh poor little Xandry!! That is too bad, I am sorry you didn't have a blast. We love Lagoon, but we are amusement park/water park junkies!!! Way to go on updating your blog - you are fabulous and on top of things, even though you don't think you are! Keep it up!

Stacy said...

That looks like fun - but totally stinks about the prices and the kids not enjoying it too much! Maybe when they are a bit older. Good luck with school this year! Love ya!