Wednesday, August 26, 2009

ABC and 123!

School is up and running and everything is going all right. Our routine is back on schedule! (I work better with the school routine.)

Dalton is in the 3rd grade and loves his new teacher Mrs. Cromie. She said that it was very cute because they did an activity where you had to list if you had sisters and brothers. He said, "Well, my mom has a baby in her tummy right now. So, I may have a brother. Can I say that I maybe will have one?"

Xandry is in the first grade and her teacher is Ms. Dech. Xandry talked Aunt Vera's ear off Monday night yelling about all the things they got to do and how it was the best day ever!

Brook, well she just wants to be BIG! Toady she was adamant that she was going to kindergarten. She kept saying, "I go wi you. I go kin-garten." Oh was she mad when she got dropped off and Julie's instead. I kept telling her that she has to be 5 and go poo-poo and pee in the potty before she can go. She would just smile her cricked little smile and say, "Noooo."

Me, I am handling school again well. I only have 17 students in my class this year. It is amazing how much more attentive I can be with them all. I really have a good class with pretty much double the boys than girls. It seems like it should be one grand year!

1 comment:

Megan said...

Loved seeing my cuties and their first day of school. Hope you're feeling well and that you are open minded to the idea that your new little boy may be a little girl :) You make pretty cute girls so I will take her.
Love you guys,
Auntie Meggie