This quote has been a driving force for me. I love it! I have it in my home with a picture of Christ. As I contemplate the birth of this new little spirit inside of me, look at my children and husband, this quote burns louder everyday.
First the ultimate love that our Heavenly Father and Elder brother Jesus Christ has for us is amazing. I keep thinking that right now my little Anthon is among them waiting for his journey here to Earth. What a feeling of happiness and a bit of anxiety our Heavenly Family must have in the hopes that Anthon will choose the right path to lead him back home to them again. What an act of love to actually allow us to choose between right and wrong instead of just giving us everything. True love does allow you to experience things and come to your own realizations to gain gratitude for all that has been laid out before you. It takes work, but it has been promised that if we keep our promises to them, They in turn will keep Their promises to us, making everything worth it.
I think every mother and wife have had those days where it seems as if it would be easier to throw in the towel. (Some of you read my break down moment!) Again my favorite quote rings truth. In one little instant you can be reminded that it is all worth it from the gentle hug or look from your husband to the adorable voices of your children saying "Mom tank u" to "You're the best mom ever" and of course the "I love you more than all the stars in the sky." Little worth its flash before us. Let's just hope that we snag onto them to remember!
I just would like to say it is worth it. I hope that this Valentine's Day you will be filled with some form of the love that has been laid out for each of us. We may not always see it, but we have an ultimate cheering section routing us on to do just that, SEE ALL THE LOVE AROUND YOU! Happy Valentines Day!
1 comment:
It is worth it. Thanks for the pick me up. I am so tired and ready to have this baby - a bit cranky too. It's good to be reminded of the blessing around me and that it really is worth it.
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