Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Oh Boy!!

Today was our find out ultra sound and the tech said that she is 95% sure that it is a boy! Drew and I are more like 100% sure, but jumped at the chance to come back the week of Thanksgiving to get the definite. Every shot that included the bottom frontal area showed something else there that we girls do not have!

If you look at the first shot, look in between the legs. NO that is not a picture of twins! It is actually a jigger :) (Megan's famous term for her boy's parts!) The legs are pointed up and his bum facing you. You are like looking at him swinging his legs up.

We are excited that Mr. Anthon is coming and that we don't have to worry about moving the girls into the play room and the play room into the girls room for a BIGGER room. Now we will have 2 boys in one room and 2 girls in another. All is well!
According to measurements the due date is March 27th! We all know me, this means 4 weeks from March 27th, so we are looking at the beginning of March. Who knows, maybe this one will surprise me!


karibates said...

Congratulations!! I LOVE the name Anthon! So excited for you :)

Fantastic Five said...


Stacy said...

Congrats RayLynn! that will be so fun!

Shari D. Kurtz said...

Good job! I love symmetry. That's why I did it the way I did it. I'm so happy for you! I can't wait to see his cute little face. March seems like a great month to visit Elko.

Anonymous said...

Papa & Grama Judy are so happy to welcome Anthon... we can't wait. Good Job!

The Haskin Family!!!! said...

Yah!!! 2 girls 2 boys...thats perfect!

Suz said...

So excited for you guys!! He is finally coming!!