BUT Friday night it turned into an awful trick with Brook's first E.R. visit! Poor thing, here we were getting ready to eat dinner and go to our church's Harvest Festival and Trunk-or-Treat when Drew and I got a howl that was not from some ghostly creature, but from our little blond. She had jumped from one chair to another missing it of course, and hitting the edge ever so perfect on her cute little mouth. It burst of course! Oh the gash was nasty. I have a picture on my phone, but none for the blog :( Three stitches later and a bummed out brother and sister we were home with no loot in tow.
However, the festivities picked up the next night with regular Trick-or-Treating with a yummy get together at the Bates' house of soup, fun, friendship, and lots of little ones to go treating all the houses in the neighborhood. Thank you Rory and Kari!
The kids were so cute. Dalton was Batman, Xandry was a Fairy who never wore her wings, and Brook was Tinker Bell. Me, I was the tired preggo while Daddy played real life fire fighter. He had to work.
1 comment:
Who is the cute little gal in black? Was that her intended costume?
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