Sunday, September 13, 2009

Labor Day

I love my stroller!

Our Labor Day was spent mostly with mommy being sick, and Dad tiling. I did take the kiddos to the parade and ceramics, but the rest of it was spent laid out on the couch like a pukey vegetable.

At the parade we saw the fire trucks! Always a big hit since that is all Brook would scream. We had fun sitting with the Hritz, Arendt, and John families. Drew's crew was out passing the boot for MS. Of course, his boot was trying to catch up on Linda Trauntell's bathroom.

Dalton has started piano lessons and is so excited about it. His teacher Amy, my wonderful friend, says that he seems to have a knack for it because he is picking it up and seems to love it. He surprised both Drew and I when he came home and said that he wanted to sign up to try-out for our school choir. He had to sing "America the Beautiful." We practiced and he sang his little heart out last Wednesday. No word on whether he made it yet. I am just proud of him for wanting to do it. We all know that music isn't really in the blood of the Roze and de Arrieta families.

1 comment:

Fantastic Five said...

Hey, there's my kids! Thanks for taking Kenna ceramic painting with you that day.