Dad has been loving his 2nd son and inducted him into his first March Madness basketball game; Notre Dame vs. Old Dominion. Well . . . if you are following these crazy weeks of b-ball you know that the Irish lost by one. Not a very good first game or introductory to the Irish. No fear Anthon, dad swears that the Irish will come back with their sport teams and the de Arrietas will still wear their blue and gold with pride!
Dalton is still wishing he was older. The kiddo cracks me up.
BrookLynn is adorable with him and still loves on him like crazy. The good thing is that the loving isn't the malling kind. She actually is gentle with him.
Me, I am in absolute love with this little guy who has a quiet demeanor. He really doesn't cry. He is sleeping allot through the night with the exception of a 2 hour block from about 12:00 - 2:00 where he is wide eyed and ready to take in the world. He watched the complete movie of Little Women with me the other night :)
With this love has come some complications for me. I am not sure if it is caused by my tubectomy, but I have had the worst pains ever. My doc finally told me to go to the E.R. Thursday night. When I would try to get up or turn to my right it felt as if my guts were being torn out. They believe it is that nasty UTI that wasn't taken care of all the way. I still have the pain and have to keep myself drugged up to even move. (Something that I hate doing) I am really hoping that the UTI is all it is. Still, all has been worth it and I am so glad that my little Anthon is here with his three siblings. I am one happy gal!
He is so cute! And I love that the girls are so adoring. I hope you feel better soon!
Love it!!
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