Anthon Bengoa made his debut on Saturday, March 13 at 2:04 pm. He weighed 7 pounds 11 oz. and measured 21 1/4 inches long.
Like any child of mine, Anthon had to come on his own terms and waited for daddy to leave for his 48 hour shift. I woke up in the wee hours of Saturday morning with contraction again. They were about 3-5 minutes apart and I felt allot of pressure. By 2:30 a.m. I texted Drew and he said that he was on his way. There was a big ol' storm brewing outside and the visibility was next to nothing, but we made it to the hospital and were hooked up to monitors by around 4:00. These contractions then started the routine like those previous in the week, becoming more sporadic. The nurse came in and said that I had a UTI and thought that my contractions were most likely caused by it.
All I could think of was, "Great, I got Drew out of work and how will I ever know if these stupid things are real?" The nurse wanted to talk to my doctor before letting us go. The next thing I knew she was wheeling in an IV with some antibiotics and saying how my doctor said to keep me because I just tend to go early and fast. I have to admit I was thrilled!
They started me on Potosin around 11:00 am. My water broke on its own around 12:30 pm. though I was managing the contractions well, I knew that it was going to be then or never to get an epidural. So around 1:00 I opted for the epidural and was in hog heaven. I wish I could have had one of those with the others. NICE!
Before I knew it I was relaxed enough and dilated to a 10 by 2:02. A few pushes was all it took and out came one of the most precious little boys ever!
The kids are absolutely cute with him. At first Brook wasn't too sure about him actually being here and taking up what she thought should be her space on the hospital bed. "When are you going to put him in there?" She would ask as she pointed to the bassinet. Now it is, "I want to hold baby Anthon." She kisses him and just loves on him. One of my favorite little sayings from her happened when she saw that I was nursing Anthon, "Milk comes from the refrigerator Mom!"
Xandry has a hard time leaving each day for school. She wants to be home with mom and be my nurse. I will say that she stayed with me for an hour at the hospital and made sure to help me with my snaps on my gown and that my IV tubes didn't get all tangled. She runs in from school, washes her hands, and has to hold him immediately.
Dalton is excited to have "his brother" because now the score is "even." We have three girls and three boys. I think he would have been more pleased if Anthon would have came out a six year old. I think the reality that there is actually an age difference finally has set in. Don't get me wrong, Dalton is still sweet with Anthon, but he doesn't hover around like the girls do.
All in all our family of 6 is complete and doing great. Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes. We appreciate them all!
Yippee! CONGRATS! I am so excited for you guys! He is beautiful. Good luck with the new little one and all the helpers!
Congratulations new mommy! Anthon is a beautiful boy :) I'm glad to know he is here and wish I could hold him!
He is SO cute! Congrats! I love hte picture of Xandry holding him!
Hoooray!!!!! Congrats RayLynn. Glad you had the epidural experience. The difference just doesn't compare, does it? Anthon is darling. What a sweet family you have.
Great pics RayLynn!! Congrats a million times over!
Happy Birthday to BrookLynn today!!
YAH WHOO!!!! YOU DID IT MOMMA!!! He is so precious. It almost makes me want another! Blessings and wishes of quiet nursing moments and sleep in the future for you my friend! XOXO
PERFECTION!!!! Nice job mom!!!
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